Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kate the Great

When I was 8 years old, I discovered a biography of Katharine Hepburn on a bookshelf in our house and fell in love. I brought the book with me wherever I went and looked to it as if it were a religious text, a divine oracle that held the secrets to life, love and all things true. Surely, Kate knew the answers, even if I, a Katy-aspiring-to-be-a-Kate, did not. I became a devout follower, pouring over (and just about pulverizing) three generous sections of photos for the minutest clues of how to be in the world. Still today, when puzzled, perplexed, or just plain lost, I ask myself, What would Kate do?

For a woman who didn't seem to need one, she provides an excellent compass.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm a believer. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

When I was a kid, I was marked by one characteristic above all others. I was a believer. I believed. In everything. Everyone. Every word. Breathing was believing.

I believed in God. I believed in the Pope. I believed in Santa till I was way too old. I believed that I lived in the greatest country on Earth. I believed that being born Irish and American was a major stroke of luck. I believed that no family was better than mine. I believed in Taco Night and eating breakfast foods for dinner. I believed that Ronald Regan wanted what was best for us. I believed that all people were good or wanted to be. I believed that only Brokaw knew the truth. I believed in the transformative power of movies. I believed that E.T. might be real. I believed in the singular beauty of the Queen City. I believed that laughter was the best medicine. I believed that if I listened to Billy Joel's "Travelin' Prayer" enough times, he'd show up on my doorstep. I believed that drugs were dangerous. I believed that Mom's Chanel No. 5 would protect me from evil. I believed that I could read Caroline Kennedy's mind. I believed that the stars above my yellow house were calling me to greatness. That I was born to be a light and that it was my lot in life to shine. No. Seriously. I believed.

Today, I woke up and realized I don't believe in nearly as much anymore. Not really. So, I thought it might be a good idea to write a testimonial or two. To testify. To shout from the rooftops, the Blogspots, that I am still a believer. To look for things that I'm still willing to declare as mine. So, here goes....